Land Capability Assessment for subdivision

Project Details

Land Development Group
Rural land on sloping site to be re-zoned to rural residential development zone.

Project Description

The re-zoning process is a complicated and sometimes slow process. This particular project had been running for about 13 years prior to us being engaged. Being rural land, and located in a small township, there was no reticulated sewerage system to service this proposed residential development. Therefore the site needs to be carefully planned and designed so that the sewerage from each potential house is able to be contained and treated within the natural soils of each developed block, without polluting the natural local environment.

Our challenge was to satisfy the EPA, local council and water authorities that this could be achieved, and to satisfy our client, that they could economically develop the site within the block to make the project financially viable.

How we did it

This was done by carrying out a land capability assessment (LCA) which involves:

  • Detail feature survey of the land;
  • Sampling of the subsoils throughout the block;
  • Lab testing the properties of all sub soil profiles for their ability to environmentally treat effluent;
  • Being able to accurately model each block and its potential reaction to the waste water, even on the wettest day of the wettest year based on 100 years of rainfall data;
  • remove any potential failings;
  • Which yields the optimum number of blocks available for development on the site; and
  • Prepare a detailed report to the authorities and client.
  • Have the ability and personality to communicate the proposal to local government, and the community.


With our qualified and experienced team, together with our rigorous testing and reporting regime, we were able to yield a satisfactory result for both the developer and the authorities –  ending a 13 year wait so that the development could proceed.


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